Linda Smith

Linda Smith

Sr. Java Developer

Sr. Java Developer

Project: HRM CortanaSync Master
Client: Microsoft
Experience: 15+ Years


SPSP Certified, ISO 9000


423 Valley Ln, Dallas, Texas 75064
Phone: 469 765 5423

Highest Degree


Professional Summay

• Over 15+ Years of extensive experience as a multi-tier Web based client server application developer with solid understanding of database designing, development and installation of different modules.
• Proficient in working across all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Agile methodologies.
• Expertise in developing applications using J2EE Technologies like Servlets, JSP, EJB, JDBC, XML, JMS and AJAX for business domains like Insurance, Finance and Logistics.
• Good experience in implementing J2EE compliant applications using various Design patterns, Struts framework, Spring, MVC framework, Hibernate and Messaging Middle-ware using JMS.
• Skilled in Web designing & development, using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery, XML, Bootstrap JS, JSP, JSON, JSF and AJAX.
• Experienced in SOA and Web Services technologies, including Restful, JAX-WS, JAX-RPC, Axis, SOAP, XML, WSDL, SAX and SAAS based design.
• Proficient with development of Restful Web Services using JAX-RS and Jersey framework for exchange of JSON and XML representations.
• Extensively worked on MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node) stack for rapid prototyping of applications for client demonstrations.
• Experienced with AngularJS directives ng-app, ng-init, ng-model for initialization of AngularJS application data, implemented AngularJS Expressions, Directives, Controllers, filters and created Angular JS service layer.
• Profound knowledge in configuring and deploying web applications in Tomcat Server, Web Logic, Web Sphere and JBoss.
• Created windows service utility to create folders, subfolders and objects with AWS APIs.
• Experiences with build tools include ANT, Maven, Gradle and Jenkins Version.
• Used SVN, JIRA, GIT and GIT HUB for version control and Clear Quest for bug fixing.
• Extensively worked on Responsive Web Design (RWD) using Bootstrap and CSS3 Media Queries.
• Hands on experience in designing UI patterns and UI applications with the help of Adobe products like Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator CS3.
• Built Node.js npm packages/libraries to support current and future Node development.
• Proficient in Object Oriented Design/Development (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Model View Control (MVC) design pattern and Test Driven Development (TDD)
• Expertise in UML which includes creating Use-Case diagrams, Class diagrams, Interaction diagrams (Sequence diagrams, Activity diagrams) using Designer tools like MS Visio and Rational Rose.
• Strong Experience in database design using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and strong experience in writing complex queries, using Oracle […] DB2, SQL Server and MySQL.
• Experience working with testing tools like Firebug, Firebug Lite, Chrome or safari web inspectors and IE Developer Toolbar.
• Extensive experience and actively involved in Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Coding and Code Reviews, Unit and Integration Testing.
• Worked with unit testing frameworks like Junit, Jasmine and KarmaJS.
• Excellent analytical, logical and programming skills, Self-Motivated, Self-Starter, and Team Player, can work with minimal supervision. Effective Communication, Organizational and Time management skills.


Java J2ee Full Stack Web Developer
Transamerica – Plano, TX
June 2015 to Present (1 year, 2 months)
• Work as a full stack developer responsible for Web, middle tier and Databases in the development of web application for Rejected Application Processing.
• Worked with the team to analyze the business requirement and scenarios and driving suitable solutions in an agile development environment.
• Using AngularJS and Angular-Bootstrap UI extensively for developing the UI using MVC framework
• Created prototypes in HTML5, Photoshop, JavaScript and CSS3 for different UI pages.
• Involved in enhancement of existing application utilizing Angular.js, created role based HTML navigation menu wherein menu items changes dynamically based on the values derived from the database in the form of XML.
• Creating custom, general use modules and components which extend the elements and modules of core AngularJS.
• Designed web applications and web contents utilizing various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
• Created JAX-RS RESTful web services for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests. Used POSTMAN Rest client for chrome to test all the services.
• Integrated with backend by making Restful web service calls in AngularJS.
• Created Multiple Re-usable UI Directives by defining Angular JS Directives, Attaching Event Listeners, Controllers & Updating DOM elements.
• Built a robust and secure CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for few projects as per client’s needs and requirements where HTML, CSS, AJAX and JQUERY were extensively used.
• On server side, created & used Restful Web API endpoints for database operations (CRUD) for this AngularJS project.
• Developed Graphic User Interface (GUI) to display report data using JQuery in Cross-browser compatibility and Web application scaling.
• Worked on performance improvement task by analyzing and creating Indexes in Database.
• Designed DOM based interactive to reprogram selected links and adopted WCAG 2.0 standards for HTML and XHTML and W3C standards for CSS as well.
• Used AJAX frameworks like JQuery, JSON to develop rich GUIs and also involved in performance tuning the website.
• Developed UI, Virtual Objects (VO) and models by using Flash, AJAX, and Action Script 3.0.
• Used behavior-driven development framework (Jasmine) for testing java script code.
• Involved in various technical and architectural design discussions with back-end teams as well as front-end team to integrate front-end and back-end.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, XML, CSS, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Linux, Oracle 10g, Log4J, XML, Spring 3, SQL Developer, SOA, services, SVN, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, JSON, UML, Junit.
Java J2ee Full Stack Web Developer
Evolent Health – Arlington, VA
August 2014 to March 2015 (7 months)
• Analyzed business requirements, participated in technical design, development and testing of various modules assigned.
• Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using jQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, JQ Validator, AutoComplete, AJAX, JSON, LESS, Sass, and other front end libraries and frameworks.
• Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML5, XHTML, and CSS3.
• Involved in developing of design documents with UML class diagrams.
• Designed and developed various modules of the application with J2EE design architecture and frameworks like Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
• Implemented core java multithreading, collections, exception handling and used generics.
• Implemented various Search Engine Optimization techniques as metadata, building inbound link, and outbound link text, meaningful title while designing web pages.
• Developed certain features of the application functionality i.e. CRUD (Create, read, update, delete) features using Backbone.js and Responsive Web Design (RWD)
• Worked on development of Hibernate, including mapping files, configuration file and classes to interact with the database.
• Published, consumed Web Services using REST, JAX-RS and Jersey.
• Used HTTP/HTTPS Services extensively to interact with Web Services using JAX-RPC and JAX-WS for data communication.
• Implemented SOAP Web Service using JAX-WS and Apache CXF and generated client stubs from WSDL using Maven plugin.
• Used Node JS, React JS, Backbone MVC framework for developing the Single Page Application.
• Used Google analytics reports, optimized the page load time for the pages that had heavy traffic and improvised those pages using CSS.
• Used Node.js to run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify, concat etc.)
• Build REST web service by building Node.js Server in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-end jQuery Ajax calls.
• Client Side code was written in React JS, Backbone JS and Server Side Code were developed using MVC4.
• Designed and created the database tables and wrote SQL queries, Joins, PL/SQL sub programs like stored procedures, triggers and functions to access DB2
• Implemented AJAX framework for asynchronous data transfer between the browser and the server.
• Used Firebug and IE Developer Toolbar for debugging and browser compatibility.
• Automated test cases using Selenium WebDriver, JUnit and JAVA.
• Increased developer productivity by using efficient programming methodologies and local development.
Environment: J2EE, HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Hibernate, Struts, SQL, PL/SQL, DB2, Maven, XML, JSON, Node JS, React.js, Backbone.js, SVN, GIT, Jenkins, Rally, JQuery UI, Jersey.
JAVA/J2EE Developer
Hewlett Packard Enterprise – Pontiac, MI
April 2013 to June 2014 (1 year, 2 months)
• Involved in various SDLC phases like Design, Development and Testing.
• Worked on Portal applications. Involved in developing of Group portal and Member portal applications.
• Developed front end using Struts and JSP.
• Developed webpages using HTML, Java script, JQuery and CSS.
• Used various Core Java concepts such as Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
• Developed server side components servlets for the application.
• Involved in coding, maintaining, and administering Servlets and JSP components to be deployed on a WebSphere application server.
• Worked with Complex SQL queries, Functions and Stored Procedures on Oracle 10g.
• Involved in developing spring web MVC frame work for portals application.
• Implemented the logging mechanism using log4j framework.
• Developed web services in Java and Experienced with SOAP, WSDL.
• Wrote test cases in JUnit for unit testing of classes.
• Used Maven to build the J2EE application.
• Used RAD IDE for developing code modules in the development environment.
• Used CVS to track and maintain the different version of the application.
• Involved in maintenance of different applications with offshore team.
Environment: Java, Spring Framework, Struts, Hibernate, WebSphere application Server, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, Oracle Database 10g, DB2 Database, IBM MQ, JMS, DB2, HTML, Java script, Json/xml, CSS.

JAVA/J2EE Developer
PNC Bank – Cleveland, OH
March 2011 to February 2013 (1 year, 11 months)
• Responsible for developing the presentation layer using JSP, HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, AJAX, Custom Tags, Struts-Html tag library and Apache Tiles.
• Designed and development of Web pages using PHP, HTML, CSS including Ajax controls and XML.
• Developed data insertion forms and validated them using JavaScript.
• Familiar with version control systems like GIT HUB.
• Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
• Used JavaScript and XML to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load time and add modal dialog in web pages to get user input and requests.
• Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens and used DHTML to make dropdown menus on web pages and display part of a web page upon user request.
• Debugged the application using Firebug to traverse the documents and manipulated the Nodes using DOM and DOM Functions using Firefox and IE Developer Tool bar for IE.
• Validated input values to make sure that they will be accepted before they are submitted to the server.
• Developed SQL scripts for data migration.
Environment: Java Script, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JQuery, High charts, DOM, DHTML, XHTML, XML, XSL, SQL Server, GIT, GITHUB and Windows XP.

JAVA/J2EE Developer
Dredging Corporation of India Ltd
December 2009 to November 2011 (1 year, 11 months)
• Involved in Developing of Application based on J2EE using Struts, Hibernate and Spring framework
• Prepared technical reports & documentation manuals during the program development.
• Produced the report data on the client Front-end using JQuery, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS3 and client side validation through JavaScript and AJAX for asynchronous communication
• Used Web Services for creating summary and used XML parsers for data retrieval.
• Involved in writing Spring Configuration XML, file that contains declarations and business classes are wired-up to the frontend managed beans using Spring Web Flow.
• Used JSF Frame Work for front- end design
• Involved in creating various Data Access Objects (DAO) for addition, modification and deletion of records using various specification files.
• Used O/R mapping tool Hibernate for rapid development and ease of maintenance.
• Deployed the applications on Tomcat server.
• Used Oracle as backend data base.
• Used SQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database.
• Involved in JUnit Testing of various modules by generating the Test Cases.
• Involved in the Bug fixing of various applications reported by the testing teams in the application during the integration.
Environment: J2EE, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML 5, JSF, CSS 3, AJAX, Hibernate, spring, Tomcat Server, Oracle, Junit.

Java Developer
Axis Bank
March 2009 to September 2009 (6 months)
• Developed JSP, Tiles, Validator, Action classes and EJBs for various user transactions.
• Designed Java Servlets and Objects using J2EE standards.
• Implemented the project by using MVC framework.
• Developed the XML Schema for the data maintenance and structures.
• Implemented EJB session beans, messaging technologies like Message Driven Bean, JMS.
• Used JSP for presentation layer, entity beans as the model to represent the persistent data and interacted with Oracle database as per MVC Architecture.
• Design Implementation of GUI using HTML, JSP and Java Script for front-end validations.
• Used JDBC calls in the Enterprise Java Beans to access Oracle Database.
• Involved in Integration testing and defect fixes.
Environment: J2SE, J2EE, Multithreading, JSP, UML, Rational Rose2000, Eclipse, HTML, JavaScript, XML.


Languages JavaScript, JQuery, HTML 5/4, CSS 3/2, Object Oriented JavaScript, MVC, AJAX, JQuery, UI, JSON, XML, and PHP.
Java APIs J2EE, EJB, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries, JAX-RPC, JDBC, RMI, JNDI, JMS, JAXB, Junit, AWT, Swing.
Client Technologies HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Ajax, DOJO.
XML Technologies XML, XSL/XSLT, SAX, DOM
Frameworks Struts, spring, JSF, Hibernate, Apache CXF, Bootstrap
IDE Eclipse, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Atana Studio, Notepad++, Sublime.
J2EE Design Patterns
Front Controller, Composite View, Business Delegate, Session Facade, DAO, Command Pattern, Singleton pattern, Service Locator

Version Control SVN, CVS, GIT
JavaScript Libraries Ext JS, Backbone.js, Require.js, Node.js, React.js, Angular.js
Application Servers Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic and JBuilder.
Database PL/SQL (Oracle), MySQL.
Operating System Windows NT/2000/XP, UNIX, Sun Solaris
Others 960gs, Bootstrap, Adobe Photoshop, Google Ad Words, Yahoo Search Marketing

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